Contact List

Have a question that isn't answered on the website?

Email Coach Tasha at:

Email Sara Hankins the Executive Team Leader at:


It is our goal to make staying in touch and staying informed about team events seamless. We try to use a variety of methods and media to make sure our parents are always aware of what the team is doing. Parents are encouraged to stay away from the pool deck during practices. Any questions and concerns should be addressed away from the practice area and when practices aren’t in session. Communication is necessary, but only when the time is right.

Communication between the coach, parent, and athlete is vital to the success of each athlete within the CGST system.  We encourage as open a line of communication between the three entities as possible.  Above are the emails of the head coach and the exec board.  Remember to communicate respecfully as these positions require lots of hard work. 

Photo Credits to Beth Kagarise, Christopher Kistler, and Mindy Beaumont